Thursday, April 19, 2012

What is God's Will for My Life?

Acts 9:1-19 (Click on reference to read text)

"What is God's will for my life?"  I must have asked myself this question 100s of times.  My entire life I have weighed every decision trying to figure it out.  Studying the life of Paul has given me a glimpse of the answer.

Paul had a single calling.  He was to bear the name of Jesus Christ before the Gentiles, Kings, and sons of Israel (vs.15).  God did not give him a step by step road map as to where he was to proclaim the name of Jesus, but in His sovereignty God allowed Paul to be in certain places and blocked him from going to other places (Acts 16:6-7).  However, throughout the book of Acts, we see that he never misses an opportunity to talk about Jesus Christ and the resurrection.  Wherever Paul found himself, he simply opened his mouth.

You and I have the same calling.  We are to go into all the world and make disciples teaching them to observe all that God has commanded us (Mathew 28:19-20).  We don't have to know where we are going to live five years from now, 10 years or even 1 year.  We don't have to know who we are going to marry, how many kids we are going to have, what ministry opportunities we might be involved in or what job we are going to have.  We just have to open our mouth and proclaim Christ wherever we are.  That means when He gives me an opportunity to share at the grocery store, I need to be obedient.  I need to teach Christ to my children in my home now, regardless whether I have any more children in the future.   The details are irrelevant.  God in His sovereignty has us where we are now for a reason.  Just obey.  It is really that simple!

Paul states towards the end of his life that he had lived his life with a perfectly good conscience before God to that very day (Acts 23:1).  Oh to be able to say these words, but the truth is we can!  We have a single calling: to glorify God and proclaim the hope of the resurrected Jesus Christ.  Join me.  Let's start today where we are and trust God to take us the next step in His perfect timing!