Saturday, November 12, 2011

He Calls Me by Name...

Acts 10:1-8 (click on reference to read text)

I read this passage this morning and it brought me to tears. I am Cornelius. I am a Gentile that doesn't always understand exactly who God is, how He works, or who He came to save... yet the great God calls me by name as I call out to Him! WOW!

First, in Cornelius, we see God honors a searching heart.  Cornelius prayed to God continually (vs 2).  When we want to receive a Word from the Lord, when we need a touch of encouragement, or when we are wondering which way to go, what do we do about it?  Do we call our friends, read Inspirational Non Fiction to seek advice, or simply try harder?  If we want to hear from God we must be willing to be in communion with God.  Just like Cornelius, when you are calling out to God, He calls you by name (vs 3)!  Don't expect God to speak to you if you don't speak to Him.

Secondly, in Cornelius, we see God honors an honest heart. Cornelius was not a Jew, but He knew their God was the One True God. He prayed and gave offerings, even when he didn't fully understand or was fully accepted. Yet God knew the condition of His heart, and He "rewards those who earnestly seek Him" (Hebrews 11:6). God knows your heart. He knows your motives. He knows if you are truly seeking His face, and when you are, then rest knowing He is seeking you too (vs 3-4)!

Finally, in Cornelius, we see God honors an obedient heart. The Lord gave Cornelius detailed instructions on what he was to do next. God wanted to reveal Himself to Cornelius, but He also wanted to do a work in Peter's life as well (Acts 10). God will answer prayers that are crying out to know Him more. However, sometimes He will use others to accomplish that purpose in your life. God was working in two people's lives that day: Cornelius and Peter. We must be willing to accept God's answer to prayer even when it comes through means we might not normally expect. Obey what God is asking you to do and trust the results to him!

I love the story of Cornelius, because this is my spiritual legacy. I am a Gentile with no inheritance to the promised land, but whom God had mercy on and adopted into His family, allowing me too to call Him "Abba Father" (Romans 8:14-16). When I earnestly seek Him and call out to Him, He will call me by name. When I seek His will with a pure heart, even if I don't fully understand, He will teach me what to do. When I obey Him immediately, He will show me the next step in my walk with Him.   Thank you Jesus, that your salvation is for me too (Acts 28:28), may my heart honor and please you.