Sunday, June 16, 2013

Tasks or People?

Mark 5:21-42

I am task oriented. There I said it! I am so task oriented that I am ashamed to admit I place menial tasks on my “to do” list just so I can quickly check them off. I pride myself on efficiency, and I do not allow anyone to slow me down! And… I am NOT like Jesus! Jesus never once allowed tasks and “to do’s” to drive his day. Our great Savior allowed His Father’s love for mankind to flow through Him and direct His steps.

In the story of Jairus’ daughter, we see Jesus on the way to do a great miracle for a prominent man. However, in route He was touched. Just a momentary touch that stopped Him in His tracks. He scanned the crowd, saw the need and ministered to the woman without regard to the task at hand. It took a few minutes, but it changed a woman’s life.

How many times am I so consumed with the task at hand that I either ignore or don’t even notice the little touches of others along the way? How many times am I so eager to get out of the grocery store that I don’t notice the cashier who is obviously having a bad day? How many times am I asked throughout the day “How are you doing?” without ever asking that person back? How quickly do I rush out a door without noticing the person behind me whom I could help by holding the door open? How quickly do I rush my children through “teachable” moments just so we are not late to Bible Study?!

In this story, two people were healed that day: the hemorrhaging woman and Jairus’ daughter. Jesus was able to redeem the “lost time” spent helping that woman by still accomplishing an even greater miracle than just healing– but resurrecting a dead life! Do I believe that Jesus is powerful enough to redeem my time, when I commit these “touchable” moments to Him?

“Do nothing from selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility regard others as better than yourselves” (Phil 2:3). Time to call it what it is… selfish ambition and vain conceit. It is time to put the list down and put the love of Christ on (Col 3:12-14).