Sunday, August 30, 2009

Are You Empty?

2 Kings 4:1-7 - Click on reference to read... Please take a moment to read the Scripture. My words are simply that, but God's are living and active (Hebrews 4:12)

God promises in His Word that He will never leave us nor forsake us (Deut. 31:6). However, there are times in our life that we are so weighted down and troubled we cannot imagine getting through. Although He promises that He will never leave us, God also promises, "in this world you will have trouble," BUT don't forget the rest, "I have overcome the world" (John 16:33).

This God-fearing widow found herself in dire need. Her life, and the lives of her children, were at stake! Instead of running to worldly solutions, she ran to God! God was willing to bless her in the midst of her troubles... to the point of OVERFLOWING! He took what she already had (vs. 2) and brought deliverance! However, it was her responsibility to provide empty jars. As many empty jars as she provided, God was willing to fill!

So many times, the amount of blessing we receive depends upon the amount of emptiness we present to God. We may obey him half-heartily... maybe only gathering the jars closest to us that require no extra cleaning out or searching. Maybe we are scared to ask others around us for help. Maybe we are too scared to be totally empty and vulnerable before the Lord. Yet any of these excuses would limit the work and power of God in our life. Elisha commanded, "Don't ask for just a few" (vs. 3). It is only when we are empty before the Lord, taking out all of ourselves and presenting it before God, that He can deliver us from ourselves and fill us with His spirit to the point of overflowing!