Relational conflict is a guarantee. Whether you find yourself in the role of husband, wife, father, mother, child, or sibling, you will experience conflict with those you love at one time or another. Before we start battling those we love the most, let's remember a few things.
First, it is important during these battles to remember who you are fighting. The Scriptures tell us that our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, powers and authorities of this dark world (Eph 6:12). Satan desires to destroy the family because he knows, "if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand (Mark 3:25)." Jesus himself warned us, "be on alert. Your adversary the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour" (1 Peter 5:8). It is so easy to see the enemy as the family member that appears to be choosing to make your life miserable at the time. Instead we must stop, realize that you and that person are on the same team, recognize the real enemy, and join forces.
Now that you are back on the same team, it is time to remember, you have a mighty ally! The Lord our God has told us numerous times that He will fight our battles for us (2 Chron 32:8, Ex 14:14, Ps 17:6-8, Is 41:9-14). He is our defender, our protector, and our deliverer. We know if the Lord is for us, who can stand against us (Ro 8:31)? Praise the Lord that He is fighting on our side!
Lastly, we need to use the right weapons. Our relationship with Jesus Christ alone enables us to be more than conquerors in Christ Jesus (Ro 8:37). His blood and testimony in our life allows us to overcome the strongest powers of Satan (Rev 12:11). We have weapons of warfare with the power to demolish strongholds (2 Cor 10:4)!! When we put on the full armor of God we CAN stand against the devils schemes (Eph 6:11): the belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, feet fitted with the Gospel of peace, pick up the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which are the very words of God (Eph 6). When we are seeking out truth, when our hearts are protected with the righteousness of who we are in Christ, when we are grounded in the grace of the gospel, when our faith and trust in our God is our shield, when His salvation protects our minds, and when we have the Words of God, we cannot fail.
1 John 4:4 states, "You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. " Your family can overcome. Your marriage can overcome. You can have a solid relationship with your children. Remember you are on the same team. Arm up together and fight the one who simply cannot win!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Friday, February 11, 2011
Allowing Me to Fall...
Luke 15:11-24 (Click on reference to read text)
My daughter was on the patio of my husband's store when all of a sudden, she started running straight towards the parking lot and a moving car. I yelled for her to freeze, but she kept running, completely oblivious to the danger. As I took off after her, I watched as she tripped and fell flat on her face a few feet from the road. She was hurt, but she was alive. I was never so glad to watch my daughter fall. I explained to her, "Jesus loves you so much, He let you fall. You were running straight into danger, and although it hurt to fall, it hurt a lot less than running into a car. We need to thank Jesus for your fall." As I prayed with my little girl, I too began to thank Jesus for the times in my life He let me fall to save me from even greater danger.
The prodigal son is a story we are all familiar with, yet it is also something that each of us can relate to. How many of us have wanted to go our own way and do what we want to do? We may have been more subtle in our rebellion, but we have all chosen to do life in our own way. Our rebellion could be a calendar out of control and being too busy, making work your number one priority, or trusting in a relationship and not in the Lord. He may yell for us to freeze. Send us warning signs, but sometimes He must make us fall. It could be health problems that force us to slow down, job loss, or the end of a relationship. It may hurt at the time. Your heart may be broken, you may be confused, or you may feel abandoned. However, if you really take a close look, you may just see the Lord directing your steps to much better, and safer, places.
The most amazing thing about our Heavenly Father is that when we fall, we can run back to Him. Just like the father of the prodigal son, He is watching and as soon as I turn towards home, He runs to me and and embraces me. He is ready to run to you too. In what ways are you being rebellious and doing life your own way? Stop justifying your actions, and run home. He is waiting with arms open wide!
For further reading: Psalm 103:12, 1 John 1:9, 1 John 3:1, Proverbs 15:16, Proverbs 16:9, Proverbs 3:1-26
My daughter was on the patio of my husband's store when all of a sudden, she started running straight towards the parking lot and a moving car. I yelled for her to freeze, but she kept running, completely oblivious to the danger. As I took off after her, I watched as she tripped and fell flat on her face a few feet from the road. She was hurt, but she was alive. I was never so glad to watch my daughter fall. I explained to her, "Jesus loves you so much, He let you fall. You were running straight into danger, and although it hurt to fall, it hurt a lot less than running into a car. We need to thank Jesus for your fall." As I prayed with my little girl, I too began to thank Jesus for the times in my life He let me fall to save me from even greater danger.
The prodigal son is a story we are all familiar with, yet it is also something that each of us can relate to. How many of us have wanted to go our own way and do what we want to do? We may have been more subtle in our rebellion, but we have all chosen to do life in our own way. Our rebellion could be a calendar out of control and being too busy, making work your number one priority, or trusting in a relationship and not in the Lord. He may yell for us to freeze. Send us warning signs, but sometimes He must make us fall. It could be health problems that force us to slow down, job loss, or the end of a relationship. It may hurt at the time. Your heart may be broken, you may be confused, or you may feel abandoned. However, if you really take a close look, you may just see the Lord directing your steps to much better, and safer, places.
The most amazing thing about our Heavenly Father is that when we fall, we can run back to Him. Just like the father of the prodigal son, He is watching and as soon as I turn towards home, He runs to me and and embraces me. He is ready to run to you too. In what ways are you being rebellious and doing life your own way? Stop justifying your actions, and run home. He is waiting with arms open wide!
For further reading: Psalm 103:12, 1 John 1:9, 1 John 3:1, Proverbs 15:16, Proverbs 16:9, Proverbs 3:1-26
"Little Sins",
Christian Living,
God's Love,
Grace of God,
Heavenly Father,
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Tuning Into Him...
Revelation 9:1-21 (Click on reference to read text)
This passage is heavy. Can you imagine the headlines during this time period? I know they would not say, "Attention all Believers: You are currently living in Revelations 9. Take heart, God is in control!" This sounds silly, but it is true. Prophecy coming to pass will never be portrayed with a Biblical World View in the media. This is why it is important to train our eyes and ears to recognize the hand of God in every situation, world-wide or personal.
Through the limits he places on His judgement, believers can read this chapter and see the overwhelming gracious hand of God. Instead of seeing the agony of allowing people to be tortured for five months, we see the mercy of God in giving them more time to repent! Instead of looking at the 1/3 of mankind that is killed, we see the grace in God allowing 2/3 of mankind to survive even in their extreme rebellion! No matter how bad it gets on Earth, we know that is nothing compared to the agony and eternity of Hell.
In order to run the race marked out for us as believers, we must believe and live by the truth that God is gracious and good no matter what the circumstances around us look like. That one truth of who God is must permeate our belief system so deeply that nothing we see, hear, or feel could change it. Through this chapter in Revelation, we begin to understand that it is not "how can a loving God allow people to suffer," but "how long-suffering and loving God is that He will go to extreme measures to cause people to turn to Him!"
God will take extreme measures in our life as well. As Christians, we too can be rebellious within individual circumstances. If we take a close look at our life during our own times of judgement, we can see the grace and mercy of God within those situations. Often times, upon close examinations, we discover that we have placed ourself in a bad situation that will bring us ruin or have allowed habits to form in our life that will ultimately hurt ourselves or those around us that we love. God loves us too much to leave us! He cares more about eternity than our present comfort, and will go to extreme measures, if need be, to bring us back to Him! Are there any areas in your life that you need to repent of? How will you respond: like the men in vs. 6 will you long for the end/death of the circumstance or will you return to the Lord?
Take a close look at your circumstances. Train your eyes to look for and see the hand of God in your life. Just as we can see the ultimate control and sovereignty of God through every verse of Revelation 9, he is sovereign and in control of your life now. It is only when we practice and train our eyes to see the movements of His hands, will we recognize His character no matter how the circumstances look around us. He is in control. He is sovereign. He is gracious and He is good.
"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things... put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you." Phil 4:8-9
This passage is heavy. Can you imagine the headlines during this time period? I know they would not say, "Attention all Believers: You are currently living in Revelations 9. Take heart, God is in control!" This sounds silly, but it is true. Prophecy coming to pass will never be portrayed with a Biblical World View in the media. This is why it is important to train our eyes and ears to recognize the hand of God in every situation, world-wide or personal.
Through the limits he places on His judgement, believers can read this chapter and see the overwhelming gracious hand of God. Instead of seeing the agony of allowing people to be tortured for five months, we see the mercy of God in giving them more time to repent! Instead of looking at the 1/3 of mankind that is killed, we see the grace in God allowing 2/3 of mankind to survive even in their extreme rebellion! No matter how bad it gets on Earth, we know that is nothing compared to the agony and eternity of Hell.
In order to run the race marked out for us as believers, we must believe and live by the truth that God is gracious and good no matter what the circumstances around us look like. That one truth of who God is must permeate our belief system so deeply that nothing we see, hear, or feel could change it. Through this chapter in Revelation, we begin to understand that it is not "how can a loving God allow people to suffer," but "how long-suffering and loving God is that He will go to extreme measures to cause people to turn to Him!"
God will take extreme measures in our life as well. As Christians, we too can be rebellious within individual circumstances. If we take a close look at our life during our own times of judgement, we can see the grace and mercy of God within those situations. Often times, upon close examinations, we discover that we have placed ourself in a bad situation that will bring us ruin or have allowed habits to form in our life that will ultimately hurt ourselves or those around us that we love. God loves us too much to leave us! He cares more about eternity than our present comfort, and will go to extreme measures, if need be, to bring us back to Him! Are there any areas in your life that you need to repent of? How will you respond: like the men in vs. 6 will you long for the end/death of the circumstance or will you return to the Lord?
Take a close look at your circumstances. Train your eyes to look for and see the hand of God in your life. Just as we can see the ultimate control and sovereignty of God through every verse of Revelation 9, he is sovereign and in control of your life now. It is only when we practice and train our eyes to see the movements of His hands, will we recognize His character no matter how the circumstances look around us. He is in control. He is sovereign. He is gracious and He is good.
"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things... put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you." Phil 4:8-9
God's Love,
God's sovereignty,
God's timing,
Grace of God,
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